Shoes deliver health, education, and self-esteem. Our "Borrow as You Grow" Shoe Lending Library makes school shoes available to Tumaini Tutor School students ages 4-18. This provides uniform shoes required for a child to attend public school. Without money to buy shoes, most children go barefoot or wear flip-flops.
How can a child's shoes impact change?
- Shoes allow a child access to education in public school. Black shoes are required as part of the public school uniform. Without shoes the child is sent home from public school.
- Children's feet are protected from sharp rocks, cuts, bacterial and fungal infections as well as worm infections that lead to malnutrition.
- Self-esteem blossoms when a child receives black shoes to wear to school.
"With my shoes on, I look good outside and I feel good inside too!" Rosemary Mande, age 14.
Health & Hope purchases school shoes from local vendors to support commerce for Tanzanians. A pair of shoes costs $15. Your help to add a pair of shoes to the Shoe Lending Library fills a child's gap in health and education.