Tumaini Tutor educates children from 6 primary and 4 secondary public schools each with their own school colors. Now, with your help, these students excitedly anticipate lining up proudly in 2022 for the public school uniform checks they used to dread.
Students are staying at Tumaini Tutor School even longer than usual after classes are over. The next uniform delivery just may include their size. Even if it's not their size, or they already have their uniform, they stay late to cheer how great other students look as they come outfitted from the Library.
"Thank you. I love school. I love my strong beautiful skirt." Neema, age 12, Grade 6
"This is so nice. I have never seen a good shirt like this one." Elias, age 9, Grade 3.
"This is amazing. It is exactly what I dreamed." Eliza, age 15, Grade 9.
This library is providing the opportunity for orphaned and impoverished children to attend school now and then be able to borrow public school uniform clothing and shoes as they grow. The result of this program is education, opportunity, and lots of hope and happiness for 200 orphaned children ages 4 to 17. Single or widowed mothers and guardians overwhelmed with stress to feed, cloth, and provide a better futrue for their childern a having a sigh of rellef and grateful heart of thanks.