At Tumaini Tutor opportunities to learn happen every day!!
Tumaini students and teachers dove into special topics when government schools closed for summer break.
Summer health topics included visits with the Health & Hope team for vision care, dental check-ups, fluoride treatments, and "how-to" reminders for the care and feeding of our amazing eyes, teeth, and bodies.
"My teeth are very nice. I have a new one. I like to brush them. Also, I like to spit!" Philip, age 7.
100 more girls have menstrual kits!
Washable menstrual kits mean 100% participation in school and sport. The girls send cheers of thanks to the many volunteers who helped to make their kits possible!
"I love my kit. This kit lets me be free of worries and plan my day properly". Ester, age 13
WiFi Tablets are a classroom game changer!
Tumaini Teachers share their goal to empower students to think and inquire.
Math and science teachers meet for hands-on training with an IT Consultant. Their goal is to optimize the use of WiFi Tablets in classroom learning and gain knowledge to guide student opportunities for deeper independent study.
"Tumaini WiFi Tablets give our students great opportunity and is an important teaching tool. It is very rare for students to have access to such a thing in government schools, never in their homes. The Tablet brings great excitement to teach and learn many topics." Mr. Methu, teacher.
English Debate Club? Yes please, I want to do that!
This summer Tumaini students focus on learning and polishing their English skills. For 2 hours each Friday and Saturday Tumaini is an "English Only" campus. Primary students give English vocabulary and greeting presentations. Secondary students present new vocabulary and debate chosen topics.
"English Debate is fun! Before I was nervous when I started to talk, but we all learn together. Swahili is our national language. Classes are taught in Swahili until Secondary school. This is a big step. To learn and practice English is important for my future". Flora, grade 6.