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Love & Valentines

Education Creates Valentines

Education is a powerful tool. It shapes us to become empathetic, open-minded, and socially responsible. 

When she is empowered with a foundation for personal growth, her positive values are fostered, and a sense of love and community is promoted.

Her education will contribute to the creation and expression of love in many aspects of her life.

Our mission is to help those who are vulnerable and impoverished access education and gain improved well-being, and expressions of love. 


Some of the many Gifts of LOVE donor giving makes possible:

  • Hand and heart delivery of friendship and healthcare. 
  • Happy, healthy smiles.  Treatment of dental disease and education to prevent it
  • Healthy, clear vision. Care for eye disease, vision correction, and education to protect vision. 
  • Medicine delivery. Relief from tummy worms, as well as medical treatments and ways to prevent diseases. 
  • Dignity. Reusable menstrual kits provide personal dignity allowing girls to attend school regularly.
  • Bright Futures. Orphaned and impoverished children receive free tutored education. 
  • Skilled confidence. Unique access to the age of computers and collaborative learning.
  • Cooperative teamwork.  Play, leadership, and self-discipline are gained through sports.
  • Nutritious meals! Young minds and bodies are fed to learn and grow.
  • New ideas. Education to address cultural community challenges of HIV, Female Genital Cutting, and Family Planning. 
  • Safe water. Community leaders provided knowledge and tools to test and treat community drinking water. 
  • Empowered Women.  Impoverished heads of households engaged in sustainable businesses. 

Thank you for all you do in your life to empower love. 

Happy Valentine's Day!

Your Contributions Have Made an Important Impact

  • Women in Business


  • Children Educated Annually


  • Patients Treated


  • Meals Provided Annually


Thank you to our friends in the community:

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