Look at what we made! Tumaini Students show off their handmade furniture.
Community-based Initiative Helps Students Build Desks!
Students, teachers, and craftsmen create classroom seating, providing Tumaini Tutor students with seats in the public school classroom.
At 12, Anatory proudly passed his national primary school exams. As he looked forward to the Christmas holiday, he was excited about starting public secondary school in 2025. Yet, he also felt anxious and uncertain—worried about whether he would have a desk and chair when he walked into his classroom.
In Tanzania, public secondary school students must provide their desks and chairs, creating a significant educational barrier for many families, particularly those struggling financially.
Students without their furniture may be sent home. In the best case, they may sit on stones, using them as makeshift desks and chairs. This uncomfortable arrangement makes it difficult to focus and learn, leaving students feeling embarrassed and excluded. For many, this can lead to discouragement and even dropping out, further trapping them in the cycle of poverty.
"Without a desk, it is a BIG problem at school. I am happy to attend secondary school and a proud young man. My desk is nice and comfortable. I learn with ease!"— Anatory, 12
Helping communities take ownership of educational challenges.
Through Health & Hope donor support, a local furniture maker hosted Tumaini Tutor primary school graduates in December. They participated in each step of their 2025 public school furniture creation. Our Tumaini math teacher and handyman joined the sessions, providing students with a follow-up review of lessons and skills learned.
Your support helps provide community ownership through active participation and decision-making to target a local problem and enhance educational opportunities.
"Having a desk and chair makes a big difference for students. Comfortable students learn better. In Tumaini Tutor math classes, we focus on skills needed to create comfortable furniture." — Mr. Juma, Tumaini Math Teacher.
New skills and "Dad" Time. Talk, saw, hammer, sand, polish..talk!
Tumaini students have lost their fathers for various reasons. They are raised by mothers and female guardians who work in traditional roles.
Participation at the furniture shop helps them learn construction skills traditionally seen as "male" roles, boosting their confidence and offering valuable mentorship from strong male role models.
"Teaching Tumaini students how to make their desks is an honor. We work happily together with love to give students the best desks and opportunity in life." — Mr. Joesph, Craftsman.
Students take their seats with pride!
"I am proud to learn how to hold wood, use machines, and smooth and varnish. I love it and hope to make and repair furniture one day. Thank you for my desk—I will do well in my studies!" — Sabina, 13.