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Tumaini Tutor School

Free Tutor School for Vulnerable Children

Collage of photos: 1. group of people smiling 2. group of children in school 3. group of children at the handwashing station 4. 3 kids playing on a computer.

Attending public school is not always easy. An orphaned or vulnerable child’s access to education and opportunity is limited, continuing the cycle of poverty.  Let’s change that.

A girl may be needed to work at home, or a boy to support his family.  Families are responsible for school transportation, supplies, uniforms, exams fees, and other costs which all escalate after primary school.  

Tumaini Tutor School – Mwanza, Tanzania

Collage of photos: 1. group of children in the classroom 2. a teacher teaching students in his classroom 3. a teacher teaching in an outdoor classroom.

Tumaini (Tu ma ee nee) is Swahili for “hope and optimism for a good future”

Orphaned and vulnerable children receive free tutored education 6 days a week at Tumaini Tutor School.  Since 2012, Tumaini Tutor has grown from 25 to 200 children ages 4 to 18 who attend pre-primary, primary, and secondary classes. These most disadvantaged children now meet or exceed national averages for both school retention and pass rates. 

Tumaini Tutor School extras include a computer lab, science lab, lending libraries for books and school uniforms, English, Debate, and Vocational Clubs, as well as bicycles so students can learn to ride.   Students are active in water safety testing and treatment, sharing knowledge about safe and unsafe water sources with the community. 

Uniform Lending Library

To break a barrier preventing Tumaini students' access to public school education, a "Uniform Lending Library" was formed. This provides Tumaini Tutor students with public school uniforms and shoes to borrow as they grow.

Solar Light helps Education Shine

Imagine never having electricity at home. This is true for over 90% of Tumaini students. It gets dark early, and studying by dim candle or kerosene is dangerous.  Solar lights mean student learning does not have to stop at sunset. 

Tumaini Tutor Nutrition Program

Energy to learn. Improved health. Educational success.

Underfed students ages 3-10 receive a nutritious meal each day.  Food for this program is purchased from the Women's Business Groups. Nutrition boosts attendance and pass rates.

A typical home meal is a bowl of rice and beans daily. Tumaini adds balanced nutrition with egg, fruit, baked goods, and finger millet/ enhanced sorghum porridge. 

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